Thursday 18 September 2008

Next week's Milestone Assessment...

Next week's Milestone Assessment is structured as the actual exam you'll face to obtain a passing grade in Unit f661: Poetry and Prose 1800 - 1945.

In preparation for Section A: Poetry you need to be aware that the unit will assess you on Assessment Objectives 1, 2, & 4. They are listed on the left hand side of the blog and you'll need to be aware of them before attempting the Milestone Assessment.

Whilst you won't know the question and its particularities before the actual exam, you will need to know the poem, which is Insensibility. Furthermore, whilst AO1 and AO2 are similar to the assessment objectives of GCSE (although the difficulty has increased), you should take note of the differing requirements of AO4.

Asking me questions in relation to the AOs would best be done before the actual Milestone Assessment. These questions will not be answered on the day or during the exam.

Please note that Mrs. Hulbert may have specific instructions for her Milestone Assessment and you should direct queries about The Great Gatsby to her before her exam.

Mr. D

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