Tuesday 9 September 2008

Indepedent Research and Homework...

Have you checked the link to the archive for your first independent research task? There is also a poetry reflection from lesson 2 which you'll need to prepare for lesson 3 discussion!

Mr. D


Mr. D said...

HINT: There's a link to an excellent e e cummings website on the links sections below!

Sam Ellis said...

Because I am such a great student, I thought I would let you know that there is a common spelling mistake in the video section. 'All Quite On The Western Front'.

Should it not be 'Quiet'.

Sort it Don :) Sam.

Mr. D said...

Thanks Sam! That was there to see if anyone actually used the blog!


Anonymous said...

the link to the world war 1 bbc is great help
thanks danielle wood

Anonymous said...

When do you want the research task in by Mr Donovan ?


Mr. D said...

Independent Research Deadline not set yet. Quicker you get it down, the more you can review your work and let it sink in - why not do some more reading now that you've finished!

Sam Ellis said...

For those who left their poetry homework till the last minute...


Quite a decent link.


Anonymous said...

my pc isnt working so im finding it hard to print off the power points

danielle wood

Anonymous said...

How many pages of research do expects us to do sir.

Mr. D said...


I've updated the tasks, read the descriptions on both tasks and you will find the answer that you seek!


Try to print them off at school, or borrow someone's book and photocopy them in the library!

Mr. D

Anonymous said...

ok thanks sir