Monday 15 September 2008

A general observation...

I noted today that some people hadn't printed and review notes from last weeks lessons. If you fail to keep up with the organisation of notes/resources you'll fall behind very quickly. However, this can be rectified with a little work.

What will be harder for you to rectify are the gaps in your knowledge and ability in the weeks to come!

By now you should have an awareness of the different poetic feet we've looked at and the difference between the four stages of consciousness of WW1 poetry. You shouldn't be an expert on it, yet, but we expect that you've revised all the content covered last week so you can apply it this week and in the future. This also goes for the work covered in Mrs. Hulbert's lessons too!

In your upcoming milestone assessments you will need to show knowledge of these elements.

Any probs etc... see me

Mr. D


Anonymous said...

As the first milestone assessment draws closer, Mr D and I may ask to check the notes you have been making in lessons. This will give us an indication of those who will be able to meet the demands of the course and those of you who may struggle. If you uncertain of the note taking process, please come and see us.
Thanks Mrs Hulbert

Anonymous said...

Sigh... =/