Tuesday 23 September 2008

Dates for Mr. Donovan's Milestone Assessment...

12D Period 2 Friday 26th September

12B Period 4 Monday 29th September

If you are late you will not be allowed into the classroom and therefore will not complete the assessment.

During these assessments your workbooks will be checked as well - there were still people in lesson today who hadn't glued in their poems, stuck the notes into the appropriate place and hadn't completed the some of the research.

Failure to complete either the Milestone Assessment, submit a workbook or submit an incomplete workbook by these dates (unless you've negotiated with me in person) will result in you not attending next week's enrichment/research trip and you'll stay at school to complete work. Furthermore, not meeting these deadlines will also result in questions being asked about your suitability for the subject.

Mr. D


Antony West said...

Mr. Donovan, I am very Sorry I am away on Friday 26th September the day that im to do my milestone assesment. Can I possibly do my milestone on Monday 29th with 12B?

Very Sorry.

Mr. D said...

Please see me in person.