Tuesday 30 September 2008

Postponed Trips...

Please be advised that the English trip to the Imperial War Museum has had to be postponed this week to a later date. You will have a normal lessons on Thursday and next Tuesday afternoon.

Any questions please see myself or Mr D. If possible, please could you pass this message on to anyone who I might have missed this message.

Many Thanks

Mrs Hulbert/Mr. D

Monday 29 September 2008

Deadlines for Work books checks.....

If you receive an extension for work you have failed to complete, you must see me on the day your extension is granted to for resubmission.

If that means seeing me outside of our timetabled lessons so be it (this may be different for those not at JRCS as your home school - I'll take this into consideration when setting you a deadline).

This includes this Wednesday if you have study skills and miss some of our lesson time together. I'll be in my office from 8am and you can also see me and break and lunchtime!

There is really no excuse.

Mr. D

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Dates for Mr. Donovan's Milestone Assessment...

12D Period 2 Friday 26th September

12B Period 4 Monday 29th September

If you are late you will not be allowed into the classroom and therefore will not complete the assessment.

During these assessments your workbooks will be checked as well - there were still people in lesson today who hadn't glued in their poems, stuck the notes into the appropriate place and hadn't completed the some of the research.

Failure to complete either the Milestone Assessment, submit a workbook or submit an incomplete workbook by these dates (unless you've negotiated with me in person) will result in you not attending next week's enrichment/research trip and you'll stay at school to complete work. Furthermore, not meeting these deadlines will also result in questions being asked about your suitability for the subject.

Mr. D

Imagery Chart for Insensibility..

This chart is now in the shared area - great help for your annotations!

Mr. D

Milestone Assessment for 'The Great Gatsby'...

As more and more of you ask about your milestone assessment, please be aware that you will be assessed on your understanding of the first 4 chapters and the context of the novel itself.

I offer no more hints than that!

Mrs Hulbert

Tess of the D'Urbervilles...

BBC 1 are currently showing an adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s novel ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’. It is one of the set texts for the prose exam.

Although we have chosen to study ‘The Great Gatsby’ it is a great example of some the texts you should be reading at home. Why not watch the series and then dip into the novel? It is shown at 9pm on a Sunday evening but the previous weeks episode is also repeated at 5.30 Sunday afternoon in case you missed one.

Mrs Hulbert

Sunday 21 September 2008

A visit to Waterstones...

I had a wander in Waterstones on the weekend. They have a large collection of study guides for AS Literature - however, be careful that they are not for the old specification (different requirements and texts now). Also, ensure they are for the correct exam board (OCR).

I purchased the book below as it is a good general study guide - come and have a look if you think you need to revise some of your key skills!

AS In a Week: English Literature - AS in a Week S.
Format: Paperback 112 pages
Date of publish: 31/01/2006
Publisher: Letts Educational
Usually despatched within 7-10 days

You can follow this link to purchase it on the internet! If you were organised, two or three of you may want to order together to take advantage of their free delivery over £15!


You could also visit this link to buy the Critical Theory book required by Mrs. Hulbert.


Mr. D

Thursday 18 September 2008

Next week's Milestone Assessment...

Next week's Milestone Assessment is structured as the actual exam you'll face to obtain a passing grade in Unit f661: Poetry and Prose 1800 - 1945.

In preparation for Section A: Poetry you need to be aware that the unit will assess you on Assessment Objectives 1, 2, & 4. They are listed on the left hand side of the blog and you'll need to be aware of them before attempting the Milestone Assessment.

Whilst you won't know the question and its particularities before the actual exam, you will need to know the poem, which is Insensibility. Furthermore, whilst AO1 and AO2 are similar to the assessment objectives of GCSE (although the difficulty has increased), you should take note of the differing requirements of AO4.

Asking me questions in relation to the AOs would best be done before the actual Milestone Assessment. These questions will not be answered on the day or during the exam.

Please note that Mrs. Hulbert may have specific instructions for her Milestone Assessment and you should direct queries about The Great Gatsby to her before her exam.

Mr. D

Computer access for students from other consortium schools...

Mrs. Wren has organising a guest username and password for you to access the intranet and then organise your own JRCS username and password.

Log in using the following username and password:

username: 6formguest
password: guest

Then email ahaynes@jrcs.bardgalea.org.uk your first and last name. He will create your JRCS account which will be:

your username will be first letter of name and your surname (e.g mine is - adonovan)
your passwork will be: password - then you can change you password once you've logged in (ensure you do this so no one can miss use your account).

Any problems see me, Mrs Hulbert or 6th form staff!

Mr. D

Monday 15 September 2008

A general observation...

I noted today that some people hadn't printed and review notes from last weeks lessons. If you fail to keep up with the organisation of notes/resources you'll fall behind very quickly. However, this can be rectified with a little work.

What will be harder for you to rectify are the gaps in your knowledge and ability in the weeks to come!

By now you should have an awareness of the different poetic feet we've looked at and the difference between the four stages of consciousness of WW1 poetry. You shouldn't be an expert on it, yet, but we expect that you've revised all the content covered last week so you can apply it this week and in the future. This also goes for the work covered in Mrs. Hulbert's lessons too!

In your upcoming milestone assessments you will need to show knowledge of these elements.

Any probs etc... see me

Mr. D

e e cummings homework...

Firstly, thanks to Sam for posting a link to a internet site which dicussed the poem - which is exactly what the comment section is for. However, I should warn you though that not everything you find on the internet is of 'quality' and cannot substitute for you actually using your own head.

A reflection requires 'you' to read the poem and have a think about it and to possibly discuss it with others in the course.

However, I have placed a web link on our blog which deals with e e cummings for you, which incidently is of better quality and doesn't give you an 'answer' in the form of an essay written by a high school student but rather information to inform your reflection and thinking.

Remember, the task requires you to respond in paragraphed notes in a discursive style - this is what I'll be looking for when i check you books!

Mr. D

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Indepedent Research and Homework...

Have you checked the link to the archive for your first independent research task? There is also a poetry reflection from lesson 2 which you'll need to prepare for lesson 3 discussion!

Mr. D

Monday 1 September 2008

Looking for a good book?

Why not visit the Southbank book market next time you're in London - it's open 7 days a week!

You could even make a day of it - as the market is just outside the IMAX movie theatre and a great range of coffee shops!