Monday 20 October 2008

Last week of half term...

As I will be away from Tuesday to Thursday this week, you 'll either have a cover teacher or be advised to complete work in the library or common-room. Either way, the tasks you'll need to complete are the same and require little input from the staff supervising anyway.

You need to complete the following work:

1. Complete any outstanding annotations from the poems we've covered - this now includes: Apologia..., Exposure, Futility, The Last Laugh and Stange Meeting.

2. Prepare for all the remaining poems - this means read them (several times), complete the diction column and the intended meaning.

3. Complete the homework tasks as instructed on the Independent study and Homework archive.

You may like, and I strongly suggest you should consider, doing this work in pairs or small groups. This will help, in my absence, with any problems you may face with either language, structural or form issues!

All this work should be complete by the first day back from half-term and whilst I agree the break should be a time for rest and relaxation it should also be a time for catching up on the knowledge from this half term and any work you've failed to complete!!!!!!

Good Luck and may the force be with you!

Mr. D

NOTE: I'll be available via email and via the comment link on this post to answer questions during the next two weeks

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