Monday 6 October 2008

Important information on preparation for lessons...

Firstly, with a few people being away due to study sessions or others consortium commitments the order of which we are studying the poems has shifted a little.

You should read them in preparation for the upcoming lesson - something which is not happening - this is making it difficult for you to access the lesson, difficult for me to teach the lesson and difficult for those students in the class who have taken the time to prepare.

As a result, I'm going to be looking for annotations to be started before you enter the class for the lesson.

You should, at minimum, have noted the diction of the poem and have evidence that you have explored the meaning of the words you don't understand. You should also have a preliminary paragraph written on the poem's intended meaning.

The order of poems are as follows -

The Last Laugh
Strange Meeting
The Sentry
The Show
Mental Cases
A Terre

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like I told you on Monday I'am finding it hard to come up with the intended meaning for Miners and A Terre so all have done is the diction aspects. It's that Ok with you Sir. Tim