Monday 5 December 2011

Key features of the thought process for planning

Here are the key features of the thought processes behind planning and writing an A level response that you developed in lesson. Review them for you Mock Exam next week.

What is the question asking you to do?

What argument are you going to take? As a result what evidence do you have - or do you have to find evidence first?

Are there any literary ideas you can use to shape your argument (Karlin's Double Vision, Feminist reading, Philosophy of the Imperfect - or are you cirtical of this level of optimism? or Satire)

The thinking process before writing is as important (if not more) than the actual writing

How will i thread together my argument? When will i return to my argument to summarise - should i do this earlier that my conclusion?

What alternative/imaginative interpretations can i offer - why stick to the normal response?


Mr. D & Ms F

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