Tuesday 13 July 2010

Welcome to prospective AS student...

Hope you enjoy the session today and it gives you a clear sense of what the study of literature is about...and also, what we are about as teachers - this is equally important!!

A few ground rules:

  • Don't talk when I'm talking and I won't talk when you are;
  • If you want to be treated like an adult - act like one;
  • You're here to study Literature - not just to read books;
  • If you don't like reading books, or reading at all, ask yourself, 'Why are you here?'
  • Entry Requirement GCSE Lit B (Lit C by interview only).

If Literature is still for you, see you in September!

Mr. D & Mr. L

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you look so cool with your new beard sir.
