Monday 24 May 2010

Run up to the exams....

Here are the details of our class discussions on exam preparations...

Week Beginning 24/5/10: Lessons as normal as possible
29/05/10: Revision Day 9:00-till when we last (3-4ish?)
Week Beginning 07/06/10: Seminar in Hospitality Suite (with morning tea and lunch)

If you need extra support please see me directly!!!

Mr. D


hollie said...

ermmmmmmmmm sir....
on the schools website it says the AS exam is on the 10th june????
oh, and is the whole 'seminar' thingy on monday ??

Anonymous said...

what time does the thing on monday start sir?

Becky said...

Unrelated to original post, but maybe helpful nonetheless:

Looking for tips on the exam, I found this slideshow, with some quite good explanantions of the AOs and how to "play the exam game".

Thought it might come in handy.