Tuesday 10 November 2009

Updated information...

Please check the independent work/homework page for updated list of poems required for preparation and the new homework task!


Mr. D


Anonymous said...

i didnt know where to comment so ill comment here :)

In the essay due for monday im putting that the soldiers are escaping from the war which is bad into hell which is worse.. is that paradoxical ? or something else ?

Daisyy :)

Anonymous said...

Ironic really - i'll see you in lesson.


Anonymous said...

Bonjourno sir - (Italian for Hello I think)

In lesson on Friday you told us there was a place where we can view what is expected of us in our coursework this year. I STILL can't seem to find it and I don't want to be behind further for tomorrows lesson (Although I will be as you don't check the blog on Sunday)so this is really to show you that I did ask

Furthermore I have found out that my email is not emailing - just thought I should let you know before tomorrow ...

Right - have a nice Sunday dinner

Carl - A2 class

Yuliya said...

Because you didn't post the comparison task and I wanted to do it quite early so I can get on with doing more work to prevent you cfc-ing me again, I shall post it right here, right now.

Hector and Irvin in my opinion completely contrast each other as both have different character, reputation, relationship with students and methods of teaching.

Hector seems to be critically against Oxbridge, he criticizes it telling boys that they should aim for much simpler universities like Sheffield as Oxbridge is what 'the other boys want' not entirely what they need, although all boys are Oxbridge candidates. Meanwhile Irwin spurs boys on by tough criticism saying how their parents 'would just waste money' as the other boys and girls aren't as dull as these boys.
But its not only their opinion that differs its their character and behavior around the boys. While Hector is playful, liked and familiar with the boys, Irwin on the other hand is strict and critical of the boys. Although they're somehow similar as both are very knowledgeable,
judgmental and both are ridiculed by the boys yet in different ways.

I'm not sure if this is enough but I felt that these were the key points.
