Friday 5 December 2008

Items for this week's lessons....

As you already know, next week we are starting to look at your coursework texts. The theme for your coursework is ‘Innocence to Experience’ which you are going to explore in my lessons. As well as introducing the texts, we will be looking at the definitions of these two key words and how much impact they have on our lives.

I would like you to bring three-four photographs to lessons with you: one of when you were a baby/early years, one of you around primary age and a recent photograph. If possible I would like them to be personal photos not the ones we take in school, although I will dig them out of Mr Smith’s archives if you fail to bring any in! If the photos are sentimental, then photocopies will do. Students in Monday’s lesson are being observed so it is really important that you bring the correct resources for the lesson. Please let me know if there are any problems.


Mrs Hulbert

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