Monday 10 November 2008

12D's trip to the Southbank Book Market and Imperial War Museum...

A great afternoon had by all - looking forward to doing it again with 12B!

If you were on this trip, can you leave your reflections of the afternoon and some of what you saw at the war museum!


Anonymous said...

Top Stuff! That trip was sooooo good! and educational!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could have come rather than teaching my year 7's. Looks like you all had a fab time!
Mrs HLbert

Anonymous said...

need to learn how to spell my own name! I am an English teacher honest!
Mrs Hulbert

Sean Firman said...

Hey everybody....

Just got to say the trip that was set up for us by the english department was great a day out... I fully enjoyed everything that happened, had such a laurgh and i cant wait for the next one!!