Monday 24 November 2008

Some research and wider reading...

I've placed this link in the websites to visit, but will also post it here. It contains very well organised information on Siegfried Sassoon. It will be good wider reading for our lesson which focuses onthe critique of those who lacked sympathy:


I am becoming increasingly concerned by the amount of students who are failing to meet deadlines. These are set in place to help you manage the course and ensure that you are able to complete the syllabus by the exam and coursework date.

With the onset of your coursework in two weeks time, you must ensure that you keep up. Failure to do so may result in us being unable to submit your coursework to the board on time, losing you 40% of your final grade.

If you are in 12B, I will be checking your books to make sure your notes are up to date on Thursday. 12D you need to make sure that you have summary notes on each chapter in your books for Thursday’s lesson. If exercise books are not bought to the lesson, I will assume that they are incomplete.


Mrs Hulbert

Saturday 22 November 2008

12B's trip to Southbank Book Market and the Imperial War Museum...

Again, great weather, a little cold, but fun had by all!

Bradley meets some of the Southbank locals...

Browsing for a bargain...

Tim had a fascination with all of the bombs!

Sunday 16 November 2008


All annotations must be complete by 28th November 2008. No gaps - no exceptions!

Coursework texts...

I'm aware that Mrs. Hulbert has been talking to you about purchasing these texts in her lessons and I have also mentioned several times the need to buy (and read) them.

Please purchase:

Oranges are not the Only Fruit (Jean Winterson)

The History Boys (Alan Bennett)

You will be required to have both texts as soon as possible - 29th November at the latest (this will only leave you a week to read it though!). Please let us know if you have any difficulties in purchasing these texts. If you wish to purchase them off Amazon etc..., but don't have keycard speak to us and we can, upon the presentation of the money, use our cards to buy for you - Amazon also give free delivery for multiple purchases so get together with a few others!

You will need to read Oranges by the time we start our introductions to the coursework requirements and the theme of study. This will happen in the last two weeks of this term which gives you another 2-3 weeks to get this read (by the 8th December). It is not a particularly long text, and you must realise this is a first reading and you shouldn't get too bogged down in any difficulties you have in understanding as this will come with successive reads (yes, you must read it more than once!!)

You can then read History Boys over the Xmas holidays (I will also put the film on before the holidays - after school sometime) and when we return to school be prepared for the proper start of lessons on the texts - we will not read the entire text in lessons - we will only touch on passages that support our thematic concerns and the completion of your comparative coursework requirement.

And yes, during this period of time we will still be completing work on Fitzgerald and Owen, including exam essay writing practice for Milestone grades!

Don't leave your concerns to the last minute! See us in advance so we can support you appropriately.

Mr. D & Mrs. Hulbert

Monday 10 November 2008

12D's trip to the Southbank Book Market and Imperial War Museum...

A great afternoon had by all - looking forward to doing it again with 12B!

If you were on this trip, can you leave your reflections of the afternoon and some of what you saw at the war museum!