Tuesday 1 July 2008

Induction Session 1

In discussions of Blake's, 'O Sick Rose' it came to light that students were unaware that Blake was also a painter and that one of his painting was used in the film, 'Red Dragon', based on the first book in the Hannibal Lector Trilogy.

Unfortunately, it came to light that no-one knew about the film (or books - written by Thomas Harris) or of its main protagonist, and one of modern literature most memorable, even likeable, evil characters, the brilliant but dangerous serial killer - the gifted psychiatrist Dr Hannibal Lecter

The trilogy follows as: "Red Dragon", "The Silence of the Lambs" and "Hannibal" - some excellent wider reading and viewing!

NOTE: Mr. Lawes tells me 'Manhunter' is the original Hannibal Lector film with a good old 'English' actor - none of that American over-acting!

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